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To the board election in the Contergan Foundation for disabled people:
I have just come back from Cologne, where yesterday the count of the election of stakeholders in the Foundation Council of the Contergan Foundation took place. In this election, I was re-elected as a full representative representative Ordinary representatives are thus in the Foundation Board Bettina Ehrt and me. Our deputies are Udo Herterich and Andreas Meyer. I thank my voters very much for their confidence! That touched me deeply and showed me that my work, my heartfelt commitment to our cause is really valued. This is an additional incentive for me. And there is a great deal to do: one flirts with a foundation reform insofar as we are currently forced to fight for the preservation of the status quo, as currently a democratization of the foundation would be attainable. But that's exactly what I want. A restructuring of the foundation, in which the victims are treated on equal terms. Also in the performance area, there is much to do - see my election program. I will now offer all associations and the Ministry the conversation. An exchange of stakeholders with the foundation will take place on 18.11.2019. I will inform about my work. So again: Thanks a lot to all who supported me. - until these days.

All the best - Christian Stürmer

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